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“Steady State Model”, Wikipedia
“Big Bang”, Wikipedia
“Theory of Relativity”, Wikipedia
“Old Earth Creationism”, Wikipedia
“Young Earth Creationism”, Wikipedia
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
“Cosmos”, episode 1, Neil D. Tyson, televised
Evidence from Science and The Bible”, John Oakes (copies available upon request)
Historical and Archaeological Evidence, John Oakes
God and the Astronomers, Robert Jastrow
“The Origins of Life”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
“Where the Bible Meets Big Bang”, Brian Sacks
“Scientific Proof of God”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
“How Old is the World?”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
Professional Blog, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
“The Age of the Universe”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
The Hidden Face of God: Science Reveals the Ultimate Truth, Dr. Gerald L. Schroeder
“An Atheist Turns”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder
“Finding the Intelligence Within the Design”, Dr. Gerald Schroeder (PDF)
Talk Reason, resource blog
“God is Not Dead”, George Laemire
Albert Einstein and the Scientific Proof of ‘God’, By Richard Greene
“The Truth is From God”, Resource Blog
On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin
“On the Origin of Species”, Wikipedia
“Cambrian explosion”, Wikipedia
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