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“Putting Time In Perspective – UPDATED”, Tim Urban
“Adam and Eve”, Wkipedia
“Ask and Embla”, Wikipedia
“Malakas and Maganda”
“Mashya and Mashyana”
“Tree of Jiva and Atman”
“Manu (Hinduism)
“Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan”
“Biblical and Quranic narratives” (
“World Mythology”, Crash Course Series (
“Roots of Religion”, Genevieve Von Petzinger (
Annals of the World, Archbishop James Ussher ( 1&keywords=james+ussher+annals)
“Did They Really Exist? A Biblical and Scientific Defence of Adam and Eve”, Jonathan McLatchie (
“What are the Nephilim?”, Matt Slick (
“Ur”, Wikipedia (
“Multiregional origin of modern humans”, Wikipedia (
"Mitochondrial DNA and human evolution", Cann, Rebecca L. Cann, Mark Stoneking, Allan C. Wilson ( ann/)
“Human Genome Project”, Wikipedia (
“Most Recent Common Ancestor”, Wikipedia (
“Mitochondrial DNA”, Wikipedia (
“Human Mitochondrial Genetics”, Wikipedia (
“Y-chromosome Adam”, Wikipedia (
“Homo Sapiens”, Wikipedia (
“Mitochondrial Eve”, Wikipedia (
“Timeline of Human Evolution”, Wikipedia (
“Multiregional, not Multiple Origins, MH Wolpoff, J. Hawks, R. Caspari (
“Out of Africa”, Wikipedia (
“Francis Collins Speaks on Genetic Engineering and Christian Faith”, Deborah Haarsma ( EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_06_21_08_36&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_17bb4843ae1ab2cd4c70-419374089)
“Q&A 1506 - Is the Earth young, only 1000’s years old?, Dr. Douglas Jacoby (
“The World: Born in 4004BC? Usser and the date of Creation”, Larry Pierce (
“What is the human soul?”, Got Questions? Resource Catalog (
“What is the difference between the soul and spirit of man?”, Got Questions? Resource Catalog (
“How are human souls created?”, Got Questions? Resource Catalog (
“Soul”, Wikipedia (
“Anima Mundi”, Wikipedia (
“Qi”, Wikipedia (
“Ātman (Hinduism)”, Wikipedia (
“Spirit”, Wikipedia (
Why Snakes Don't Have Legs (For Now)”, Delaney Ross (
“A Fossil Snake With Four Legs”, Ed Yong (
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